
    1. Pragmatics in Translation: Mediality, Participation and Relational Work (2023, with Miriam Locher and Daria Dayter)

    2. Corpus Pragmatics (2023, with Daniela Landert and Daria Dayter)

    3. Fiction and Pragmatics (2023, with Miriam Locher, Andreas Jucker and Daniela Landert)

    4. Repetition in Telecinematic Humour: How US American sitcoms employ formal and semantic repetition in the construction of multimodal humour. (2021)

    1. Discourse practices of video-oriented textual comments (2023, with Miriam Locher)

    2. Pragmatics and Translation (2023, with Miriam Locher and Daria Dayter)

    1. Responding to subtitled K-drama: Artefact-orientation in timed comments (2024, with Miriam Locher)

    2. “This is not the place to bother people about BTS”: Pseudo-synchronicity and interaction in timed comments by Hallyu fans on the video streaming platform Viki (2023, with Miriam Locher)

    3. Persuasive language and features of formality on the R/CHANGEMYVIEW subreddit (2022, with Daria Dayter)

    4. Cultures of E/valuation on the Social Web. A very short introduction to the special issue (2022, with Berenike Herrmann, Noah Bubenhofer, Daniel Knuchel and Simone Rebora)

    5. Humour support and emotive stance in comments on K-Drama (2021, with Miriam Locher)

    6. Digital Humanities and Digital Social Reading (2021, with Simone Rebora, Peter Boot, Federico Pianzola, Brigitte Gasser, Berenike Herrmann, Maria Kraxenberger, Moniek Kuijpers, Gerhard Lauer, Piroska Lendvai and Pasqualina Sorrentino)

    7. Ocean's Eleven's Scene 12 – Lost in Transcription (2020)

    8. Subtitled artefacts as communication – the case of Ocean's Eleven's Scene 12 (2020)

    9. On a cross-cultural memescape: Switzerland through nation memes from within and from the outside (2020, with Marta Dynel)

    10. Translating the other: Communal TV watching of Korean TV Drama (2020, with Miriam Locher)

    11. Subtitles and cinematic meaning-making: Interlingual subtitles as textual agents (2019)

    12. Sitcom humour as ventriloquism (2017)

    13. Extradiegetic and character laughter as markers of humorous intentions in the sitcom 2 Broke Girls (2016)

    1. Interpreting, translating, transferring: Introducing the collection (2023, with Miriam Locher and Daria Dayter)

    2. Contrastive analysis of English fan and professional subtitles of Korean TV drama (2023, with Miriam Locher)

    3. Repetition in sitcom humour (2020)

    4. Multimodal construction of soccer-related humor on Twitter and Instagram (2018, with Di Yu)

    5. Participation structure in fictional discourse: Authors, scriptwriters, audiences and characters (2017)

Detailed references

Dayter, Daria, Locher, Miriam, A. & Messerli, Thomas C. (2023). Pragmatics in Translation: Mediality, Participation and Relational Work (Elements in Pragmatics). Cambridge University Press. [PDF open access at Cambridge University Press]

Landert, Daniela, Dayter, Daria, Messerli, Thomas C., & Locher, Miriam A. (2023). Corpus Pragmatics (Elements in Pragmatics). Cambridge University Press. [PDF open access at Cambridge University Press]

Locher, Miriam. A, Jucker, Andreas H., Landert, Daniela, & Messerli, Thomas C. (2023). Fiction and Pragmatics (Elements in Pragmatics). Cambridge University Press. [PDF open access at Cambridge University Press]

Messerli, Thomas C. (2021). Repetition in Telecinematic Humour: How US American sitcoms employ formal and semantic repetition in the construction of multimodal humour. NIHIN. DOI: 10.6094/UNIFR/218849. [Read it here.]

Brock, Alexander (2022). Book review: Repetition in Telecinematic Discourse. How American Sitcoms Employ Formal and Semantic Repetition in the Construction of Multimodal Humour. Discourse Studies, 0 (0). [PDF]

Chovanec, Jan (2022). Book review: Thomas C. Messerli. (2021). Repetition in Telecinematic Humour. How US American sitcoms employ formal and semantic repetition in the construction of multimodal humour. Freiburg: Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. The European Journal of Humour Research, 10 (3) 226–230. [PDF]

Kavetska, Alisa-Anastasiia (2023). Book review: Daria Dayter, Miriam A. Locher, and Thomas C. Messerli, Pragmatics in Translation, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023. Półrocznik Językoznawczy Tertium. Tertium Linguistic Journal, 8 (1) 229–234. [PDF]

Messerli, Thomas C., & Locher, Miriam A. (Eds.) (2023). Discourse practices of video-oriented textual comments. Special issue in Discourse, Context & Media.

Locher, Miriam A., Dayter, Daria, & Messerli, Thomas C. (Eds.) (2023). Pragmatics and Translation. John Benjamins.

Messerli, Thomas C., & Locher, Miriam A. (2024). Responding to subtitled K-drama: Artefact-orientation in timed comments Discourse, Context & Media, 52. [PDF open access]

Locher, Miriam A., & Messerli, Thomas C. (2023). “This is not the place to bother people about BTS”: Pseudo-synchronicity and interaction in timed comments by Hallyu fans on the video streaming platform Viki Discourse, Context & Media, 52. [PDF open access]

Dayter, Daria, & Messerli, Thomas C. (2022). Persuasive language and features of formality on the R/CHANGEMYVIEW subreddit. Internet Pragmatics, 5(1), 165–195. [PDF]

Herrmann, J. Berenike, Bubenhofer, Noah, Knuchel, Daniel, Rebora, Simone, & Messerli, Thomas C. (2022). Cultures of E/valuation on the Social Web. A very short introduction to the special issue. Journal of Cultural Analytics, 7(2), 1-3. [PDF]

Messerli, Thomas C., & Locher, Miriam A. (2021). Humour support and emotive stance in comments on K-Drama. Journal of Pragmatics, 178, 408-425. [PDF]

Rebora, Simone, Boot, Peter, Pianzola, Federico, Gasser, Brigitte, Herrmann, J. Berenike, Kraxenberger, Maria, Kuijpers, Moniek, Lauer, Gerhard, Lendvai, Piroska, Messerli, Thomas C., & Sorrentino, Pasqualina (2021). Digital Humanities and Digital Social Reading. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 36, ii230–ii250. doi: 10.1093/llc/fqab020 [PDF on Researchgate]

Messerli, Thomas C. (2020). Ocean's Eleven's Scene 12 – Lost in Transcription. Perspectives, 28(5), 837–850. [PDF]

Messerli, Thomas C. (2020). Subtitled artefacts as communication – the case of Ocean's Eleven's Scene 12. Perspectives, 28(6), 851–863. [PDF]

Dynel, Marta, & Messerli, Thomas C. (2020). On a cross-cultural memescape: Switzerland through nation memes from within and from the outside. Contrastive Pragmatics, 1(1), 1–32. [PDF]

Locher, Miriam A., & Messerli, Thomas C. (2020). Translating the other: Communal TV watching of Korean TV Drama. Journal of Pragmatics, 170, 20–36. [PDF]

Messerli, Thomas C. (2019). Subtitles and cinematic meaning-making: Interlingual subtitles as textual agents. Multilingua, 38(5), 529–546. [PDF]

Messerli, Thomas C. (2017). Sitcom humour as ventriloquism. Lingua, 197, 16–33. [PDF]

Messerli, Thomas C. (2016). Extradiegetic and character laughter as markers of humorous intentions in the sitcom 2 Broke Girls. Journal of Pragmatics, 95, 79–92. [PDF]

Locher, Miriam A., Dayter, Daria, & Messerli, Thomas C. (2023). Interpreting, translating, transferring: Introducing the collection. In Locher, Miriam A., Dayter, Daria, & Messerli, Thomas C. (Eds.) Pragmatics and Translation (pp. 1–28). John Benjamins.

Messerli, Thomas C., & Locher, Miriam A. (2023). Contrastive analysis of English fan and professional subtitles of Korean TV drama. In Locher, Miriam A., Dayter, Daria, & Messerli, Thomas C. (Eds.) Pragmatics and Translation (pp. 221–248). John Benjamins.

Messerli, Thomas C. (2020). Repetition in sitcom humour. In Hoffmann, C., & Kirner, M. (Eds.) Telecinematic Stylistics (pp. 87–112). London: Bloomsbury. [PDF]

Messerli, Thomas C., & Yu Di (2018): Multimodal construction of soccer-related humor on Twitter and Instagram. In Askin, R., Diederich C., & Bieri, A. (Eds.), The Aesthetics, Poetics, and Rhetoric of Soccer (pp. 227–255). London: Routledge. [PDF]

Messerli, Thomas C. (2017). Participation structure in fictional discourse: Authors, scriptwriters, audiences and characters. In Miriam A. Locher & Andreas H. Jucker (Eds.), Pragmatics of Fiction. Handbooks of Pragmatics, vol. 12 (pp. 25–54). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. [PDF]

Herrmann, J. Berenike, & Messerli, Thomas C. (2020). "... hungere schon nach dem nächsten Band." Eine Untersuchung von Metaphern für Leseerfahrungen in Web 2.0 Literaturrezensionen. In Schöch, Christof, & Helling, Patrick, DHd 2020 Spielräume: Digital Humanities zwischen Modellierung und Interpretation. 7. Tagung des Verbands "Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum" (DHd 2020) , Paderborn, 02.03.2020 - 06.03.2020. 10.5281/zenodo.4621976

Herrmann, J. Berenike, & Messerli, Thomas C. (2020). Metaphors we read by: Finding metaphorical conceptualizations of reading in web 2.0 book reviews. Digital Humanities Conference, DH2020. 19–24 July, 2020.

Messerli, Thomas C., Duman, Steve, & Sikos, Les. (2018). From Screen to Voice: Evidence of changed perceptions of voice-based virtual assistants. IMPEC: Interactions Multimodales par Ecran, 79–81. Lyon. 4–6 July, 2018.

Messerli, Thomas C. (2019). Will Ferrell (1967– ). In Baumgartner, J. C. (Ed.), American Political Humor: Masters of Satire and Their Impact on U.S. Policy and Culture(pp. 519–521). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC CLIO. [PDF]

Messerli, Thomas C., Dayter, Daria, Leuckert, Sven, Liimatta, Aatu, Mahler, Hanna, Bohmann, Axel, Kozma, Gustavo, & Tosin, Rafaela (in peer-review). Digital debating cultures: Communicative practices on Reddit.

Messerli, Thomas C. (in preparation). Cringe and refraction: Ambivalent comedians and their streamed comedy specials .

Messerli, Thomas C. (in preparation). Comedy beyond humour: Reframing streamed stand-up comedy .

Herrmann, J. Berenike, Reborah, Simone, & Messerli, Thomas C. (abstract accepted). How lovely is your book? A computational study of literary evaluation on a German social reading platform. Article in special issue.

Messerli, Thomas C., & Herrmann, J. Berenike (in preparation). Werten und Bewerten in online Laienbuchrezensionen.

Herrmann, J. Berenike, Bubenhofer, Noah, Knuchel, Daniel, Reborah, Simone, & Messerli, Thomas C. (Eds.) (ongoing, rolling publication). Cultures of Evaluation on the Social Web. Special issue.

Messerli, Thomas C. (2012). Laughs in translation: A comparison between verbal humour in the original and the German Dubbed version of The Big Bang Theory. (Unpublished MA Thesis). University of Zürich. [PDF]

Messerli, Thomas C. (2010). Fictional code-switching: Spanish elements in Junot Díaz’s The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao and Ernesto Quiñonez’s Bodega Dreams. (Unpublished manuscript). University of Zürich. [PDF]

Messerli, Thomas C. (2010). Horror re-cycle: Formalästhetische und narrativ-strukturelle Eigenschaften des amerikanischen J-Horror [Horror re-cycle: Formal-aesthetic and narrative-structural characteristics of American J-Horror]. (Unpublished MA thesis). University of Zürich, Switzerland. [PDF]


Article reviews for the following journals: 

  • Applied Linguistics

  • Discourse, Context & Media

  • European Journal of Humour Research

  • Journal of Pragmatics

  • Humor

  • Issues in Applied Linguistics

  • Lingua

  • Narrative Inquiry

  • Pragmatics & Cognition

  • Pragmatics & Society

  • Text & Talk

Reviews for the following conferences: 

  • Digital Humanities (DH)